Animals for Film and Television
(661) 270-0907

Be Safe, Be Healthy, Love A Pet!

In the Corona craziness, we wanted to reach out to you to highlight animals!!

They are so important in these turbulent times. Animals do not fear any virus, they are selfless and supportive. They give you unconditional love and they are there to give you comfort

Stop, recognize and admire all of the animals that are in your lives. 

Not just your family pets but even the wildlife all around you. 

So while you all have to stay at home, stay connected to us. 

You can even watch Steve with his "stay at home" dog training.
Good Dog Animals YouTube Channel (He is having so much fun with it!)

Send us updates on your progress, let us know if you have any questions, or even just to chat!

We miss you all and fingers crossed that we will see you all soon.

From our family to yours!

Be safe, be healthy and love a pet!

Good Dog Animals    

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