Animals for Film and Television
(661) 270-0907

Guin Solomon

Animal Trainer

My love for animals drew me into a career in the motion picture industry in 1995 and because I spent all of my time learning animal behavior and training with all different animals, I landed a job with a newly established animal company in 1997. Since I had previous business background, I was given the opportunity to help run all the day to day operations for this company. Within 13 years, the company grew to be one of the top animal companies for film in the country. When I left in 2009, I was hired to run the largest livestock ranch for motion pictures, but shortly after I needed back surgery and I had to go under the knife. During recovery in 2010, I co-founded Good Dog Animals with Steve Solomon. Seven years later, we got married. Starting this company was the best decision I've ever made. Now I get to work with the animals I love and can make sure our company provides the best animal services in the industry.

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My love for animals drew me into a career in the motion picture industry in 1995. Spending all my time learning behavior and training with...
As a child, I was obsessed with two things: animals and Hollywood. Although an only child, I grew up with many companions, including...
My 30 year career in the animal business started when I was 10 years old watching my neighbor train German Shepherds for police work.
I have been with Good Dog Animals for 4 years now. I started off volunteering and now I’m an animal caregiver.
When I was young, I was always around horses. I have always felt a connection with them, especially when riding.
As a LA native the bright lights of "Hollywood" lead me into a career in a marketing production in children's TV.
I have always had a connection to animals. As a child I brought home many lost baby rabbits that had wondered to far and...