Animals for Film and Television
(661) 270-0907

A Day At The Ranch

A Quick Look At A Day At The Ranch

We are always up to something here at Good Dog Animals!

A day at the ranch consists of a lot of things. We are taking care of A LOT of animals from birds, to dogs, to cats, to reptiles. We make sure they have a clean environment every day. We also check that  they have food and water multiple times a day, especially now with the summer heat.

Animals need mind and muscle stimulation throughout the day so it's very important for us to make sure that each animal gets what they need. It could be giving out toys or a bone to chew on for a while, getting to run around in the yard, or simply just being handled.


Training is obviously a HUGE part of our day as well. We need to make sure that our animals are ready for any project that may come up. We train our animals separate and together to give them different scenarios to work with. We like to have fun with our training, it makes it much easier on the animal and its much more fun for them too!

In between all the training and husbandry, we also have yard work to do. It can go from be clearing a field, weed whacking, or moving things with the tractor. There is always something to be done.


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